Writings of H P Blavatsky
Theosophy House
206 Newport Road, Cardiff, Wales, UK. CF24
Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky (1831 – 1891)
The Founder of
Modern Theosophy
H P Blavatsky
[From The Religio-Philosophical Journal,
I PERCEIVE that of late the ostracized subject of the Kabalistic
"Elementaries" is beginning to appear in the orthodox spiritualistic
papers pretty often. No wonder; Spiritualism and its Philosophy are
progressing, and they will progress despite the opposition of some very learned
ignoramuses, who imagine the Cosmos rotates within the academic brain. But if a
new term is once admitted for discussion, the least we can do is to first
clearly ascertain what that term means. We students of the Oriental Philosophy
count it a clear gain that spiritualistic journals on both sides of the
Atlantic are beginning to discuss the subject of sub-human and earth-bound
beings, even though they ridicule the idea. But do those who ridicule know what
they are talking about, having never studied the Kabalistic writers? It is
evident to me that they are confounding the
"Elementaries"—disembodied, vicious, and earth-bound, yet human Spirits—with
the "Elementals," or Nature Spirits.
With your permission, then, I will answer an article by Dr. Woldrich
which appeared in your Journal of the 27th inst., and to which the author gives
the title of "Elementaries." I freely admit that, owing to my
imperfect knowledge of English at the time I first wrote upon the Elementaries,
I may have myself contributed to the present confusion, and thus brought upon
my doomed head the wrath of Spiritualists, mediums, and their
"guides" into the bargain. But now I will attempt to make my meaning
clear. Éliphas Lévi applies the term " Elementary" equally to
earth-bound human Spirits and to the creatures of the elements. This
carelessness on his part is due to the fact that as the human Elementaries are
considered by the Kabalists as having irretrievably lost every chance of
immortality, they therefore, after a certain period of time, become no better
than the "Elementals," who never had any souls at all. To disentangle
the subject, I have, in my
Dr. Woldrich, in imitation of Herbert Spencer, attempts to explain the
existence of a popular belief in Nature Spirits, demons and mythological
deities, as the effect of an imagination untutored by Science, and wrought upon
by misunderstood natural phenomena. He attributes the legendary Sylphs,
Undines, Salamanders and Gnomes—four great families, which include numberless
sub-divisions—to mere fancy; going however to the extreme of affirming that by
long practice one can acquire
That power which disembodied spirits have of materializing apparitions
by the will.
Granted that "disembodied Spirits" have sometimes that power;
but if disembodied why not embodied Spirits also, i.e., a yet living person who
has become an Adept in Occultism through study? According to Dr. Woldrich’s
theory, an embodied Spirit or Magician can create only subjectively, or to
quote his words:
He is in the habit of summoning, that is, bringing up to his
imagination, his familiar spirits, which, having responded to his will, he
considers as real existences.
I will not stop to enquire for the proofs of this assertion, for it
would only lead to an endless discussion. If many thousands of Spiritualists in
Europe and America have seen materialized objective forms which assure them
they were the Spirits of once living persons, millions of Eastern people
throughout the past ages have seen the Hierophants of the Temples, and even now
see them in India, without being in the least mediums, also evoking objective
and tangible forms, which display no pretensions to being the souls of
disembodied men. But I will only remark that, though subjective and invisible
to others, as Dr. Woldrich tells us, these forms are palpable, hence objective
to the clairvoyant; no scientist has yet mastered the mysteries of even the
physical sciences sufficiently to enable him to contradict, with anything like
plausible or incontrovertible proofs, the assumption that because the
clairvoyant sees a form remaining subjective to others, this form is
nevertheless neither a "hallucination" nor a fiction of the
imagination. Were the persons present endowed with the same clairvoyant
faculty, they would every one of them see this creature of
"hallucination" as well; hence there would be sufficient proof that
it had an objective existence. And this is how the experiments are conducted in
certain psychological training schools, as I call such establishments in the
East. One clairvoyant is never trusted. The person may be honest, truthful, and
have the greatest desire to learn only that which is real, and yet mix the
truth unconsciously and accept an Elemental for a disembodied Spirit, and vice
versâ. For instance, what guarantee can Dr. Woldrich give us that
"Hoki" and "Thalla," the guides of Miss May Shaw, were not
simply creatures produced by the power of the imagination? This gentleman may
have the word of his clairvoyant for this; he may implicitly and very
deservedly trust her honesty when in her normal state; but the fact alone that
a medium is a passive and docile instrument in the hands of some invisible and
mysterious powers, ought to make her irresponsible in the eves of every serious
investigator. It is the Spirit, or these invisible powers, he has to test, not
the clairvoyant; and what proof has he of their trustworthiness that he should
think himself warranted in coming out as the opponent of a Philosophy based on
thousands of years of practical experience, the iconoclast of experiments
performed by whole generations of learned Egyptians, Hierophants, Gurus,
Brâhmans, Adepts of the Sanctuaries, and a whole host of more or less learned
Kabalists, who were all trained Seers? Such an accusation, moreover, is
dangerous ground for the Spiritualists themselves. Admit once that a Magician
creates his forms only in fancy, and as a result of hallucination, and what
becomes of all the guides, spirit friends and the tutti quanti from the sweet
From the standpoint of certain Buddhist Schools, your correspondent may
be right. Their Philosophy teaches that even our visible Universe assumed an
objective form as a result of the fancy followed by the volition or the will of
the Unknown and Supreme Adept, differing, however, from Christian theology,
inasmuch as they teach that instead of calling out our Universe from
nothingness, He had to exercise His will upon preëxisting Matter, eternal and
indestructible as to invisible Substance, though temporary and ever-changing as
to forms. Some higher and still more subtle metaphysical Schools of Nepaul even
go so far as to affirm—on very reasonable grounds, too—that this preexisting
and self-existent Substance or Matter (Svabhâvat) is itself without any other
creator or ruler; when in the state of activity it is Pravritti, a universal
creating principle; when latent and passive they call this force Nirvritti. As
for something eternal and infinite, for that which had neither beginning nor
end there can be neither past nor future, but everything that was and will be,
IS; therefore there never was an action or even thought, however simple, that
is not impressed in imperishable records on this Substance, called by the
Buddhists Svabhâvat, by the Kabalists Astral Light. As in a faithful mirror,
this Light reflects every image, and no human imagination could see anything
outside that which exists impressed somewhere on the eternal Substance. To
imagine that a human brain can conceive of anything that was never conceived of
before by the "universal brain," is a fallacy and a conceited
presumption. At best, the former can catch now and then stray glimpses of the
"Eternal Thought" after this has assumed some objective form, either
in the world of the invisible, or visible, Universe. Hence the unanimous
testimony of trained Seers goes to prove that there are such creatures as the
Elementals; and that though the Elementaries have been at some time human
Spirits, they, having lost every connection with the purer immortal world, must
be recognized by some special term which would draw a distinct line of
demarcation between them and the true and genuine disembodied souls, which have
henceforth to remain immortal. To the Kabalists and the Adepts, especially in
Spiritualists have never accepted the suggestion and sound advice of
certain of their seers and mediums. They have regarded Dr. Peebles’
"Gadarenes" with indifference; they have shrugged their shoulders at
the "Rosicrucian" fantasies of P. B. Randolph, and his Ravalette has
made none of them the wiser; they have frowned and grumbled at A. Jackson
Davis’ "Diakka"; and finally, lifting high the banner, have declared
a murderous war of extermination against the Theosophists and Kabalists. What
are now the results?
A series of exposures of fraudulent mediums that have brought
mortification to their endorsers and dishonour upon the cause; identification
by genuine seers and mediums of pretended Spirit-forms that were afterwards
found to be mere personations by lying cheats, go to prove that in such
instances at least, outside of clear cases of confederacy, the identifications
were due to illusion on the part of the said seers; spirit-babes discovered to
be battered masks and bundles of rags; obsessed mediums driven by their guides
to drunkenness and immortality of conduct; the practices of free-love endorsed
and even prompted by alleged immortal Spirits; sensitive believers forced to
the commission of murder, suicide, forgery, embezzlement and other crimes; the
over-credulous led to waste their substance in foolish investments and the
search after hidden treasures; mediums fostering ruinous speculations in
stocks; free-loveites parted from their wives in search of other female
affinities; two continents flooded with the vilest slanders, spoken and
sometimes printed by mediums against other mediums; incubi and succubi
entertained as returning angel-husbands or wives; mountebanks and jugglers
protected by scientists and the clergy, and gathering large audiences to
witness imitations of the phenomena of cabinets, the reality of which genuine
mediums themselves and Spirits are powerless to vindicate by giving the
necessary test conditions; séances still held in Stygian darkness, where even
genuine phenomena can readily be mistaken for the false, and false for the
real; mediums left helpless by their angel guides, tried, convicted, and sent
to prison, and no attempt made to save them from their fate by those who, if
they are Spirits having the power of controlling mortal affairs, ought to have
enlisted the sympathy of the heavenly hosts on behalf of their mediums in the
face of such crying injustice; other faithful spiritualistic lecturers and
mediums broken down in health and left unsupported by those calling themselves
their patrons and protectors—such are some of the features of the present
situation; the black spots of what ought to become the grandest and noblest of
all religious Philosophies freely thrown by the unbelievers and Materialists
into the teeth of every Spiritualist. No intelligent person of the latter class
need go outside of his own personal experience to find examples like the above.
Spiritualism has not progressed and is not progressing and will not progress,
until its facts are viewed in the light of the Oriental Philosophy.
Thus, Mr. Editor, your esteemed correspondent, Dr. Woldrich, may be
found guilty of an erroneous proposition. In the concluding sentence of his
article he says:
I know not whether I have succeeded in proving the Elementary a myth,
but at least I hope that I have thrown some more light upon the subject to some
of the readers of the journal.
To this I would answer: (1) He has not proved at all the
"Elementary a myth," since the Elementaries are, with a few
exceptions, the earth-bound guides and Spirits in which he believes, together
with every other Spiritualist. (2) Instead of throwing light upon the subject,
the Doctor has but darkened it the more. (3) Such explanations and careless
exposures do the greatest harm to the future of Spiritualism, and greatly serve
to retard its progress by teaching its adherents that they have nothing more to
Sincerely hoping that I have not trespassed too much on the columns of
your esteemed journal, allow me to sign myself, dear sir,
Yours respectfully,
Corresponding Secretary of the Theosophical Society.
Cardiff Theosophical Society in
Theosophy House
206 Newport Road, Cardiff, Wales, UK. CF24
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